2021 / Mountain Equipment Company

Countdown to camping

Coming off the backs of a Covid-affected 2020 camping season, MEC started the countdown to camping early in 2021 to build up excitement and anticipation and help get people prepared for the upcoming season. I created a fun and bright branding for this campaign and illustrated graphics for storefronts across Canada as well as our marketing channels.


Design lead
Graphic design

Our social activation

To drive home the hype for camping, we created a social contest. I designed the branding and design system which included illustrations, colour palette and type treatment which were pulled together into a toolkit for our social media team to leverage. I wanted this to look visually distinct so as to stand out on our social channels but could also live together with the rest of the camping collateral.

Art director: Brock Ellis

Writer: Karen Benson

Social media: Sarah Oehm

Marketing specialist: Joyce Chua


Flowers for good


MEC Membership